About F.M. Alexander

“Everything we are doing in the work is exactly what is being done in nature, the difference being we are learning to do it consciously”

— F.M. Alexander

F.M. Alexander & His Ideas

F.M. Alexander (1869-1955) was an aspiring actor, but his career was cut short after he suffered problems with his voice. Doctors’ advice proved ineffective. However after lengthy self-observation he realised that the relationship of his head, neck and back was responsible for his difficulty.

He went on to cure his problem and at the same time experienced a heightened state of overall wellbeing. He was able to share his insights with others, which led to his first formal training course in London in 1930. Since then the Technique has spread worldwide and there have been numerous scientific trials to support his findings.

As we grow up we copy from others and become accustomed to doing things a certain way. Alexander’s ideas help us identify how we interfere with our natural flow. We can then consciously re-learn how to be more comfortable and at ease, just as we were when we were young.

The Technique is a way to observe our patterns of behaviour and make conscious choices about how we move, think and feel. We cultivate a more sensitive, mindful approach, allowing us to move with more freedom and less effort. As we develop an increased sense of poise and balance we can alleviate causes of stress, fatigue and pain. With practice we can learn to apply the principles to any aspect of life.